Pilot training Regulations of Vietnam Helicopter Company VNH are very strict: If a pilot has a bad state, he will not be agreed to fly.
Recently, Vietnam Helicopter Company VNH has about 50 pilots flying in tourism, rescue, oil exploring and operating, MIA and so on.
Flying helicopter is often more difficult than flying aircraft. Namely, when a helicopter flying always keeps its elevation under 1000 m and there are also no permanent flight line, operation of the helicopter usually gets difficulties. Thus, requirements for pilot training of Vietnam Helicopter Company VNH also are very high and complex. That pilot training wastes much time and requires pilots very strictly. Refer to pilot training of Vietnam Pilot Training Center http://www.vnh.com.vn/en/services/training.php.
Colonel Tran Xuan Dinh - Director of Northern Service Flight Company, Vietnam Helicopter Company VNH said that with flights before 7a.m, pilots are mandatorily subject to sleep at work, which makes them ensure their health. Before flying, each pilot has to be checked preliminary state of his health such as taking blood pressure and heart beat. Especially, pilots in a bad mood, a bad temper, worry or fright will not be permitted to fly.
If you therefore want to become a pilot, you should have your good health and good mood.
Refer to Tourism Helicopter Service of Vietnam Helicopter Company VNH for additional information
Vietnam Helicopter Company http://www.vnh.com.vn/en/home.php
Helicopter Lease and Helicopter Tourism http://www.vnh.com.vn/en/about-us/operations.php
Helicopter Search and Rescue http://www.vnh.com.vn/en/about-us/operations.php
Source: http://chiase-tintuc.blogspot.com/2014/01/pilot-in-a-bad-mood-would-not-be-allowed-flying.html